EF Advantage
Executive Function Coaching for pre-K through college
Empowering successful and independent learners

Frequently Asked Questions about Organizational Skills Training
Can Organizational Skills Training (OST) help a student who has ADHD?
Yes. In fact, OST was initially developed to address organizational, time management, and task planning difficulties in students who were diagnosed with ADHD. It can be particularly helpful for children who continue to struggle with these skills despite taking medication for ADHD symptoms. It can also help children for whom medication is not a preferred treatment choice.
Can Organizational Skills Training (OST) help a student who hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD?
Yes. OST is helpful for children whose organization, time management, and task planning difficulties are affecting their school performance, even without a formal diagnosis of ADHD.
How is the intake appointment for Organizational Skills Training (OST) different from a neuropsychological evaluation?
During the intake process for OST, Dr. Palav collects information about the student through interview, questionnaires, and record review. This information helps her to understand how the student’s organization, time management, and task planning strengths and weaknesses are affecting school performance. Also, screening for emotional and behavioral concerns helps to identify any problems that might need to be treated separately. However, neuropsychological testing to measure intellectual, memory, attention, or academic skills is not a part of the OST intake process.
How is Organizational Skills Training (OST) different from academic tutoring?
OST is specifically designed to develop a student’s organizational, time management, and task planning skills. As a result, he or she is better able to manage school assignments and earn better grades. In contrast, academic tutoring provides extra instruction and review in one or more school subjects. This is helpful when a student is struggling with specific content in a class, such as multiplication or reading.
How long will a student need Organizational Skills Training (OST)?
OST is a structured program that consists of 20 sessions, each lasting approximately one hour. Research suggests that it is best if sessions are held twice a week, over a 10-12 week period. However, this might not be possible for all families. If weekly sessions are preferred, it may take slightly longer than 20 weeks to complete the entire program. Completion of the program also might be slightly quicker or slower depending on your child’s rate of progress.
Call 401-525-6987 or contact me with questions or to get started.