EF Advantage
Executive Function Coaching for pre-K through college
Empowering successful and independent learners

Frequently Asked Questions about Attention Training
How does Attention Training fit in with other treatments for ADHD?
Attention Training is a non-medication option for treating the symptoms of ADHD. In Attention Training, repeated practice with game-like activities strengthens the brain networks responsible for attention. This can directly improve your child’s ability to focus and attend to tasks. There are other commonly used non-medication treatments for ADHD, such as behavioral plans and classroom supports. However, these work indirectly to reduce the impact of ADHD symptoms and often require ongoing intervention from parents and teachers.
Attention training can be used both with children who are taking medication for ADHD and with children for whom medication is not a preferred treatment choice.
Can Attention Training help a student who hasn’t been diagnosed with ADHD?
Yes. Attention Training is helpful for any child whose attention problems are affecting school performance, even those without a formal diagnosis of ADHD.
How is the intake appointment for Attention Training different from a neuropsychological evaluation?
During the intake process for Attention Training, Dr. Palav collects information about the student through interview, questionnaires, and record review. This information helps her to understand how the student’s attentional strengths and weaknesses are affecting school performance. Also, screening for emotional and behavioral concerns helps to identify any problems that might need to be treated separately. However, neuropsychological testing to measure intellectual, language, visual-perceptual, memory, or academic skills is not a part of the Attention Training intake process.
How long will a student need Attention Training?
It depends. There is no one-size-fits all answer to this question, because each student progresses through the exercises at his or her own rate. As your child’s speed and accuracy improves, more difficult exercises will be introduced, until the whole sequence of activities has been mastered.
Call 401-525-6987 or contact me with questions or to get started.